Frequently Asked Questions about Numbers and Frequencies

(This article is under construction, please email Kat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. any questions you may have which are not covered here.)

How do we pronounce the numbers - digit by digit or as whole numbers?

Though reading out the numbers as individual digits can be effective, it has been shown to be more effective if the numbers are stated in their proper form.

520 is preferred to be pronounced "five hundred twenty."

Question: Is the spacing in the number sequences is very important?

Answer: A space represents a small pause. A space is different from a comma.

A comma simply helps you to see the length of the number easily, if you are calling out the number such as 10,122 (ten thousand, one hundred twenty two), the comma makes it easy to break it down. A number can be written with or without a comma, as it does not change the way the body sees it. The comma simply helps with pronunciation when you CHOOSE to say it out as a single number, rather than reading individual digits. You can do it either way, but experience has shown that reading the number out properly rather than the individual digits may give faster and more permanent results.

Question: With repeated usage one will get versed with it, but how to know as a beginner, the 'kind' of number sequence by looking at it? Or one always should check out the databases every time to ensure the correct number with correct spacing is used?

Answer: I prefer to list, with the numbers I give, the source, as sometimes the source is not very clear, as many times different source numbers have similar appearances - some of Grigori Grabovoi's are very similar in spacing to Quantum K, some of Grigori Grabovoi's and Lloyd Mear's look very similar, etc.

When I provide Energy Circles, Switchwords and Numbers on Consultations I always include the meanings and sources so it is known what is what. On Blue Iris Learning Center Forum - - I post Energy Circles and the Configuration files, which include the definitions of everything inside the Energy Circle. I also list the same information in the posts with the Energy Circles. You will find there are many, many Energy Circles in the Subscribed Boards.

The Database always has proper spacing and presentation.

Question: I see some numbers with/without space in between. What does the space signify and how/why is it important?

Answer: The space represents a pause. It also shows that two numbers in a sequence are separate, not part of a long number.

Question: Also, what is the criteria behind writing the numbers at a specific site? Sometimes I see a person being asked to write such and such numbers on the wrist or arm/leg/thigh.

How do I know whether the number one wants to write can be written anywhere on the body or left side only or is location specific other than health issues?

Answer: Though the left side is the receiving side, so many CHOOSE to write there, expecting it will be received faster, easier, more completely, it is fine to write anywhere on the body, and writing near a body part to be affected would be perceived in similar terms, perhaps to work faster, easier and more completely, but again, writing anywhere on the body with your intention for what you want is just fine.

Question: I have read about what are Switchwords in your site, I have a doubt in frequency numbers... When we write these numbers on our wrist how does it work or channel the purpose for what it is written, for instance how does the body know I am writing 808 for finances??

Can you please throw some light on this?

Answer: We tend to use the Numbers and Frequencies similar to Switchwords.

CONSIDER in normal conversation are you frequently saying words that are Switchwords. You are not using them in the context of Switchwords as you speak. However, when you set your intention to use them as Switchwords, they work as Switchwords.

CONSIDER it is about the same with the Numbers. It is unusual for someone to repeat a number again and again, yet we do that with the Healing Numbers and Frequencies. It is unusual for someone to write numbers on their bodies, yet we do that with Healing Numbers and Frequencies.

CONSIDER your intention as you BEGIN to write, think, say, sing, whatever the Numbers and Frequencies activates them.

As with some numbers we have Hz, do we need to write Hz also and like what do they mean?

Hz = hertz, a frequency. It is important to say the "hertz" as it defines for the body that it is a frequency.

We have had AMAZING results from writing these types of numbers inside Energy Circles and on the body.

What are Homeopathic Vibration Rates?

Homeopathic Vibration Rates are used by the Homeopathic community to create Homeopathic Remedies. Writing them in an Energy Circle or on the body gives access to the vibration of the Homeopathic Remedy.

We have had AMAZING results from writing these types of numbers inside Energy Circles and on the body.

In Germany numbers are separated with a dot (1.000 or 10.000 or 100.000 and so on), decimals with a comma (3,2 Hz). In the US it's 10,000 or 3.2 Hz… Can I use the German spelling in combination with English Switchwords? Or is the US notation for numbers recommended?

It is FINE to follow your native number system.

Check out Kat's Channels
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Kat Thoughts
(NEW videos frequently added, answering questions posed to Kat)

Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

Kat's Talkcasts

(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.