What is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)?

"Unique exercise that calms you so that you can think
more clearly about the issues to be addressed"
also called
"Acupuncture without the needles"
also called
"A Prayer Process"

Even though EFT is free, easy to learn, easy to do and results are sometimes spectacular, people STILL don’t do it. (Click here for a Quick Reference to EFT.)

What’s one reason WHY people STILL don’t do it? Because tapping effort is involved. Now you can forget tapping and SUPERcharge EFT with this Emotional Freedom vial!

What is the EF (Emotional Freedom) vial?

This EF vial is an energetically charged vial of water. This EF vial has instructions to energetically run EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). What is energetic EFT? Energetic EFT means you are doing numerous topics, even thousands of topics, at the same time at a subconscious level instead of doing just one topic at a conscious level with mental EFT.

Click here to buy the Emotional Freedom vial

Emotional Freedom File list:  eff.blueiris.org

As physical EFT tapping is a bridge to appreciating mental EFT tapping, so mental EFT tapping is a bridge to appreciating supercharged energetic EFT tapping with this EF vial.


Physical Tapping
---> Mental Tapping
---> Energetic Tapping
EF Vial

Due to the efforts of worldwide EF vial contributors and the EF vial founder, Kat Miller, this EF vial is now linked to over 100 files. Many of these files have field-tested EFT setup statements and affirmations yielding positive anecdotal results. Each EFT setup statement and affirmation is run 1000 times when you say a "file name" and then "run" this vial.

A big built-in bonus for you, the EF vial owner, is that your vial is dynamic. A dynamic EF vial means that it’s linked to files rather than having files in your vial. Thus, as new affirmations are added, old files are updated, and new files are made, your EF vial has immediate and instant access. If you are the one who wants to wing it, this EF vial is also structured for you to use your own custom language.

About the EF (Emotional Freedom) Vial

EFT people have been known to be on the edge, but even EFT people won’t accept this vial because it is just too weird for them. I know, very far out there, but it is just another step along the healing highway. Sometimes like EFT, the results are right off the scale.

Tapping energy center points I can relate to but vials?
It’s irrelevant. Tapping energy points in EFT is a mechanism to the end. The end is getting the result. Does it matter how you get there? You’re getting a result. The vial gets you the result FASTER.

The question should not be: Is it too far out there? Or: Is it too weird? It should be: Does it get the results? And the answer is YES!

You say you are avoiding magic, spells and religion...
First, the vial is not spells and it is not religion. Magic...well, define magic? To someone coming to today's society from the 1700s cars would be magic – a wagon moving on its own, without horses or oxen to draw it. What seems like magic today may become a common, everyday natural occurrence tomorrow.

EFT, as many of you are aware by now, is a simple technique for clearing blocks along energy meridians associated with emotional charges, allowing the body to return itself to health, without the use of drugs or surgery. To many this may seem unnatural, magical, or perhaps ritualistic. But the truth of the matter is that we do not know enough about it to really judge whether it is "magic" or not. It simply is addressing things that science has not explained to us - yet.

So what is the Emotional Freedom vial?
It is the "energy" of EFT in a vial. There are instructions in the vial in a form that the body itself can read and energetically perform the EFT itself, with no need for physical tapping through all the points and saying affirmations. This sounds, I know, very far out there, but it is just another step along the healing highway.

What if instead of tapping all body points and saying a lot of affirmations to clear issues, you could just give the body instructions to energetically do this same thing for you? Wouldn't that make the healing much faster? Those are the thoughts and intentions behind the Emotional Freedom vial. The vial has instructions for the body to energetically run EFT...but wait - that is not enough…

What if we were to put affirmations in files so that the vial could run affirmations, lots of them, without having to think through them, say them or anything?

What if we could have a bunch of files to address different things, and have this vial run the affirmations in each file through the technique, clearing things much quicker - kind of like a "macro" in a word processor does?

Well, since the Emotional Freedom vial was first created on November 18, 2005, over 100 files with positive affirmations and EFT setup phrases have been linked to it. Each file has numerous (sometimes over 100 pages of) affirmations which are run through the technique via the vial each time the file is called and the vial is run.

Is that enough for you? Do you want more?

What if not only did this vial give you access to over 100 files chock full of EFT setup phrases and affirmations, but it also ran each phrase/affirmation through the technique 1000 times every time the file was called and then run through the vial?

Let’s say you have a headache. With standard EFT per Gary Craig’s manual* and the amount of tapping is about:

Tapping Standard EFT


Even though I have this headache, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this headache, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this headache, I deeply and completely accept myself.

13 x 7 EB, SE, UE, UN, Ch, CB, UA, BN, Th, IF, MF, BF, KC
As you say “this headache”

9 x 7 (Continuously tap the Gamut point while performing each of the 9 Actions)

13 x 7 EB, SE, UE, UN, Ch, CB, UA, BN, Th, IF, MF, BF, KC
As you say “this headache”


For one round of EFT

In about 1 minute you can do about 266 taps, or about 4.4 taps per second.

*Sixth edition, page 32, or PDF page 40 of 87, https://www.emofree.com/

Let’s continue with this headache example. Now, in about the same time, about one minute, you can do hundreds, even thousands of topics with the Emotional Freedom vial instead of just one topic with EFT. For comparison, with respect to this headache example we have:

  EFT EF Vial
Time About 1 minute About 1 minute
Set-up statement done Yes Yes
Set-up: number of spoken words 36 = 121 x 3 12
Dealing with reversals Yes Yes3
13 standard EFT points4 Yes Yes
The 9 Gamut Procedure Yes Yes
Extended points No Yes5
Bilateral Tapping No Yes
Reminder: # of spoken words 266 = 13 x 2 0
Affirmations done 1 Over 2,6607
Rounds done 1 1000
Breaths done Normal 10 deep breaths
Physical tapping done 266 0 to 7
Energetic tapping done Not applicable Over 1 million

1= Even though I have this headache, I deeply and completely accept myself.
2= headache
3= The EF vial deals with more reversals than just the spoken statement of:
Even though I have this headache, I deeply and completely accept myself.
4= EB (EyeBrow), SE (Side of Eye), UE (Under Eye), UN (Under Nose), Ch (Chin), CB (CollarBone), UA(Under Arm), BN (Below Nipple), Th (Thumb), IF (Index Finger), MF (Middle Finger), BF (Baby Finger), KC (Karate Chop)
5= top of head, temporal tapping, wrist points, collarbone breathing technique (when body requires it), sometimes pineal tapping
6= Headache
7= over 90 affirmations in headache file, plus calling other files, over 2,570 affirmations; 2570+90=2660

So, is this Emotional Freedom vial magic?  

Is it science?
Of a sort.

Is it proven?
Experience shows it works, but there is no “scientific study” which proves anything.

Is "anecdotal" evidence is enough for you?
Do you really want to do a study with people where treatment is purposely withheld from some while given to others, allowing suffering of those who are on the wrong side of the "blind" trials.

Do we know how the EF vial works?
No, we do not know specifically how it works, just as we do not know specifically how EFT works, and as we don't know specifically how our modern-day medicines work, but the pharmaceutical drugs are much more dangerous (in my opinion) than working positively with the body's energy in order to release blocks along the energy meridians and allowing the body to return itself to health.

So then, what matters?
People matter. Helping people release their burdens so they can return to health matters. That is what matters. EFT is a wonderful tool. This EF vial simply SUPERcharges EFT, helping to make it faster, more productive and more powerful. If you decide to buy this vial, you will be joining a worldwide network people, contributing, sharing and using the power of SUPERcharged EFT.

Does the EF vial make the therapist non-essential?
No. The gifts the therapist brings to the table for the client remain the same. Clients still need therapists with standard EFT or EF vial. Nothing has changed in that regard because some clients need a person as a sounding board.

Check out Kat's Channels
on YouTube

Kat Thoughts
(NEW videos frequently added, answering questions posed to Kat)

Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

Kat's Talkcasts

(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.