SUPERcharge EFT with this EF vial: Gary Craig, the founder of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), has said many times, "We are on the ground floor of the healing high-rise."
Well ladies and gentlemen the second floor (or as some have put it the 82nd floor) of the healing high-rise is NOW here! Discover how you can SUPERcharge EFT with this EF vial:
Do not open the Emotional Freedom vial. Once opened the energy escapes and the vial becomes inert. As long as the vial is never opened, even if the water evaporates, the energy remains within the vial and available to work for you.
There are many file names linked to your EF (Emotional Freedom) vial. Each file contains positive affirmations. These affirmations are "run" through your EF vial to help you remove energy blocks, which can cause emotional distress and physical issues. Your EF vial helps in opening up your body's communication system to help your body heal itself.
Click here for a current list of files linked to the Emotional Freedom vial.
Click below for Emotional Freedom File Descriptions
| A-F | G-O | P-Z |
(In a single EF vial session one can run as many sets of 4 files as desired. Just repeat steps 1 to 4 with each set.)
1. Place Emotional Freedom (EF) vial on your chest (near thymus).
2. Lay your left hand flat across the vial.
3. Say a maximum of 4 files (say the file name or a keyword in the file name).
4. Place right hand over left hand, close eyes and take 4 to 10 breaths (in and out).
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to run additional files.
For those who are unable to follow instructions, like infants, children, or pets:
1. Place EF vial on their chest (near thymus).
2. Say a maximum of 4 files for them (say the file name or a keyword in the file name).
3. Keep EF vial on their chest for at least 40 seconds.
Click below for techniques for running the Emotional Freedom vial:
| Technique 1 | Technique 2 | Technique 3 |