Two Three-Letter Words: A Powerful LOA Tool for Transmuting Focus
What do you want?
Why do you not have it?
Answer these two questions, then plug them into this equation:
I want "x" (whatever you want)
but "y" (why you do not have it).
Now look at your statement. Perhaps it is something like this:
I want a new love relationship
but I do not know where to look for one.
Where is the focus in this statement?
Is it on the new love relationship?
Or is it on not knowing where to look?
"But" has a way of overpowering us.
"But" puts the focus on the problem.
"But" keeps you from focusing on what you want.
Now, take the above equation and change the "but" to "and":
I want a new love relationship
and I do not know where to look for one.
What happened?
Does the "and" now make the problem secondary?
Does the "and" put your focus back on what you want?
What you focus on, you get.
Stop "butting" yourself away from what you want.
Play with this. See what happens. I would love to hear feedback on it.